Georgia Tech provides a range of free mental health and wellness resources both on- and off-campus, which students can connect with below.
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Get Help Now
CMHCR staff are available during business hours for crisis support.
Schedule an appointment: Call 404.894.2575 or walk-in to the Center for Mental Health Care & Resources located in Suite 238 Smithgall Student Services Building, 353 Ferst DR NW Atlanta GA 30313.
After hours: Call 404.894.2575 and select the option to speak to the after-hours counselor.
Emergency: Call the Georgia Tech Campus Police at 404.894.2500 on campus or 911 off campus.
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Center for Mental Health Care and Resources: Campus-Based Counseling
In-Person & Virtual Options
The on-campus Center offers both crisis and non-crisis mental health care and support to all students for free.
- Individual, Group, & Couples Counseling
- Mental Health Outreach & Programming
- Testing & Assessment
- 24/7 Crisis Support
Uwill: Virtual Mental Health Provider
Virtual Sessions and Resources
This third-party provider offers virtual counseling and on-demand wellness events to complement therapy. Sign up with your @gatech.edu email address.
- 4 free virtual counseling sessions
- No referral required
- Virtual on-demand
- Curated wellness events
Mental Health College Guide
Virtual Resource Tool
This resource created by the JED Foundation and the National Alliance on Mental Illness offers support for students navigating the challenges of transitioning to college, including relationships, self-care, identity, safety, and more.
- Get applicable tips for adjusting to new situations
- Explore information around a variety of common issues
- Learn how to support your own well-being

Meditation App
This mindfulness and meditation app is available for free to all students.
- Mindfulness & meditation
- Self-care
- Virtual resources
Wellness Empowerment Center (Wellness Coaching)
In-Person & Virtual Options
Located in the Stamps Health Services building, this center offers programming and support that enables students to take charge of their well-being.
- No referral required
- Holistic well-being approach
- Individualized action plan
- In-person or virtual
- Register for a session
Peer Coaching
In-Person & Virtual Options
This free service is available through the Center for Mental Health Care and Resources and connects students with other Georgia Tech students.
- Requires screening
- Peer support
- Virtual or in-person
- Consultation
- Email peercoaching@gatech.edu

Stamps Health Services Psychiatry
In-Person & Virtual Options
This service located in Stamps Health Services requires a referral from the Center for Mental Health Care and Resources.
- Requires referral
- Psychiatric evaluations
- Medication management
Off-Campus Providers
In-Person and Virtual Options
Students may find their own off-campus provider or may be referred by CMHCR or Stamps Psychiatry.
- Long- or short-term support
- In-person or virtual
JED Foundation Mental Health Resource Center
Online Resource
This nonprofit was founded to protect emotional health and prevent suicide among teens and young adults.
- Specific for college students and young adults
- Addresses common emotional health issues
- Resources for supporting self and others
Need more campus-based resources?
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