collage of images of families with GT Students

Georgia Tech students may experience instances of high stress (academic, social, family, work, financial) during the course of their educational experience. While most students cope successfully with the demands of college life, for some the pressures can become overwhelming and challenging. Every year, a significant number of students have their education and personal lives disrupted by psychological problems. When left untreated, these problems can have serious negative consequences including academic problems and even withdrawal from Georgia Tech. Unfortunately, many students fail to get the assistance they need because of denial, a lack of information about campus resources, or a lack of knowledge about the early signs of psychological distress.

As parents and family interacting regularly with your student, you are in an excellent position to recognize potential problems. You are likely the first person your student reaches out to for help. Your ability to recognize the signs of emotional distress will have a significant impact on your student’s future well-being. Listen to your child, show concern, and make a referral. The mission of the Center for Mental Health Care & Resources is to serve the Tech community, and we want to offer you assistance in helping your student achieve their potential and to facilitate appropriate referrals to the Center.


If you believe that your student should be seen for an urgent consultation, please call us at 404-894-2575.  If this is after hours or on the weekend, please access the crisis consultation line by calling and following the prompts. If your student asks you for help, or if you recognize that your student is in significant distress, this may be reason enough to call for advice.

Call the Georgia Tech Campus Police at 404-894-2500 on campus or 911 off campus.


Consultation involves collaborations with faculty, staff, students, parents and family members seeking advice and information on issues of concern. Most commonly, consultation allows community members the opportunity to get advice on how best to help or guide Georgia Tech students who may be experiencing distress. Consultation with a Center staff member may involve an in-person meeting or be done via telephone.

You can reach the Counselor-On-Call at any time (24/7) by calling (404) 894-2575. For non-urgent matters, it is best to call (404) 894-2575 during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.)

What to Expect

Issues commonly addressed in consultation include:

  • Understanding how students can access counseling services
  • Identifying resources for students’ mental health, academic, or career concerns
  • Preparation to speak with a student in distress

Often those seeking consultation will also be referred to the Office of the AVP for Student Engagement & Well-Being and Brandt-Fritz Dean of Students Chair to share concerns and access additional student support resources.

Parents may contact the Center for Mental Health Care and Resources to consult with a therapist about options for responding in the hours or days that follow an emergency or family crisis. Depending on the nature of the incident, individuals who are directly affected may be referred to individual counseling or to our referral services.