
The Peer Coaching Program (PCP) was developed by the Center for Mental Health Care and Resources to offer an innovative way for Tech students to access a unique type of support to facilitate academic and personal success. The PCP trains Tech students to provide one-on-one support and education to their GT peers and offers Peer Coaches ongoing supervision in the provision of these services. Services provided by the PCP are considered consultation services, as opposed to counseling or therapy. Students serving as Peer Coaches are trained paraprofessionals who assist consultees in identifying and accomplishing specific academic, social or other personal goals related to concerns commonly faced in college.   

Coaching vs. Counseling 

Is coaching right for you? Consider how you are functioning: Are you generally functioning pretty well, but maybe there is one issue or area of your life in which you are feeling stuck, discouraged, unsuccessful, or you otherwise believe you could be functioning more effectively? If so, you would likely benefit from coaching.  

If you feel that your concerns have reached the point that you are not able to function, whether it be in the classroom, at work, in your relationships or maybe all of the above, you might be best served by meeting with one of the Center staff.  

Peer Coaching Can Help With 

  • Adjustment to college/Tech Culture  
  • Academic struggles (e.g. study skills, time management, motivation)  
  • Stress  
  • Relationship concerns (e.g. roommates, friendships, dating/partner relationships, family)  
  • Uncertainty about major/career Path  
  • Grief and loss