The mission of the Georgia Tech Counseling Center is to enhance the academic and personal experience and success of all students by providing a variety of counseling and psychological services to students and the greater campus community. The Counseling Center accomplishes its mission by facilitating students’ personal development, assisting in the alleviation and prevention of distress, and helping students achieve greater self- awareness, self-reliance, and self-confidence.

The Georgia Tech Counseling Center offers an advanced practicum training program for pre-doctoral students in psychology and counseling. Applicants must be enrolled in a doctoral program in counseling or psychology or related field. Students should have prior supervised experience in providing individual counseling; group experience preferred but not required.

The practicum begins in August and lasts through the academic year to early May. Practicum students provide 10 hours of face-to-face contact (either individual or group) per week, provide three outreach presentations to the campus community per semester and receive one hour of individual supervision, one hour of clinical case conference, and one hour of group training.

At this time the Practicum cohort for the 2024-2025 academic year has been filled. Applicants for the 2025-2026 academic year can submit a letter of interest and a resume. Applications will be accepted starting in January 2025 and interviews will begin in late January/early February. Although there is no application deadline, applications will be considered on a rolling basis until all slots are filled. We anticipate having 4-5 slots available for the 2025-2026 academic year..

This information can be emailed to Dr. Chelly Bready or mailed to:

Chelly Bready, Ph.D.
Practicum Coordinator
Center for Mental Health Care and Resources
353 Ferst Drive Atlanta, GA 30332-0286


Summary of Requirements:
  • 10 hours direct contact/week (individual, couples, and group counseling)
  • 1 hour for case conference (Thursdays 1-2pm)
  • 1 hour for training seminar (Thursdays 2-3pm)
  • 1 hour for individual supervision
  • 1⁄2 hour for group supervision if applicable
  • 3 outreach presentations per semester
  • Additional time needed to write notes/prep for outreach
  • Required two day orientation in mid-August (typically a Wednesday/Thursday)
  • The remainder of the schedule is flexible. Most students plan to be on site for 2 full days.